Write in Google Docs, Add contextual Internal links Automatically & Push to WordPress

  • No VAs, No Manual Copy Paste
  • Save your time
  • Keep your posts evergreen by Identifying Potential keywords from GSC directly in G Docs.


What makes Niche Docs a Vital toolkit for Niche Bloggers?

One time Configuration

  • Custom Post Types Posts, Pages
  • Default Publish Status – Draft or Published
  • Supports Both Editor – Classic and Gutenberg
  • Option to select first image as featured image
  • Default Categories
  • Default Tags

Intelligent Internal Linking

  • Add internal links intelligently in a single click
  • See more contextual data about links
  • Find internal links to the relevant posts with the relevance score

Meta Description

  • Set Slug
  • Set Post Title
  • Set Meta Description

Publish to WordPress in a single click

  • Select desired categories
  • Select desired tags
  • If required, add new tags directly from Google docs
  • Click Publish. Done

Monitor the Traffic Trend

  • Track the traffic trend of your articles in a single Google Sheet
  • Open underperforming post’s docs in a single click to update the content

Keep your Content Evergreen

  • Find Underserved Keywords from Google Search console
  • Optimise your content based on the keywords from GSC that don’t exist in your content
  • Update the post in a single click
  • Increase Ranking, Traffic in 10 to 20 days

Let’s Discover how to use Niche Docs Add on

Niche Docs – Google Docs and WordPress Companion

Step 1 – Write in Google Docs

  • Write with AI in Google Docs
  • Collaborate, review, and offer comments for the writer to make improvements

Step 2 – Auto Link Keywords With a Single Click

Contextual Internal links are vital for SEO.

  • With a single click, the Niche Docs algorithm identifies relevant keywords and seamlessly adds internal links to the appropriate posts on your website.

This improves your site’s SEO and improves User navigation.

Step 3 – Add Relevant Related Posts Links at the End

Internal Links are vital part of an SEO strategy.

  • The “Find Internal Links” option shows the list of posts with Relevance Score, Existing number of Internal Links, Post Created Date and Post Updated Date.
  • Simply select the posts you wish to link to and seamlessly incorporate them into your content

Step – 4 – Add Featured Image

Add a Featured Image at the top of the Google Docs if you want one.

Step 5 – Select Post Type and Taxonomies

  • Select desired post types. For example, a Page, or Post or a Custom Post Type
  • Select Categories, if its different than defaults
  • Select Tags, or Add new Tags

Step – 6 – Publish to WordPress in a Single Click

  • Click the Push to WP Button to push the post to WordPress with the defined Settings.
  • If it was an already Published Post, it will be updated with the new content.

Step 7 – Keep track of your Posts Performance

  • Each published posts are updated on a SpreadSheet Niche Docs Analytics
  • The traffic of the posts for “Last 30 days” is updated on a daily basis automatically
  • Track the traffic trend and click on the NicheDocs link to open and update the post

Step – 8 – Optimise the Post With Keywords from Google Search Console

  • Click Optimize to display data from Google Search Console
  • Find the keywords that are not mentioned on the post but are still ranked on Google
  • Update the Post with the missing keywords using the Google Help Me Write functionality
  • Click Push To WP to update the post with new content
  • Rinse and Repeat for other posts

Ready to get started?

Buy Niche Docs and Create Evergreen content seamlessly.

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